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Terms and Conditions

You must pay the state-imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if all of the following applies to you:

  1. You are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition either by cash, guaranteed student loans, or personal loans, and
  2. Your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party.

You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if either of the following applies:

  1. You are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program, or
  2. Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer, and you have no separate agreement to repay the third party.

The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents, or are enrolled in a residency program attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. You may be eligible for STRF if you are a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:

  1. The school closed before the course of instruction was completed.
  2. The school's failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of a student to a third party for license fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the closure of the school.
  3. The school's failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs.
  4. There was a material failure to comply with the Act or this Division within 30 days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30 days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau.
  5. An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove and collect on a judgment against the institution for a violation of the Act. However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number.


Any student has the right to cancel this enrollment agreement and receive a full refund of tuition fees paid. Cancellation must be made a minimum of 7 days prior to the scheduled course start date and before the study materials are received. If you have purchased an online or combined course and have started the course and submitted the learner agreement, you are not entitled to a refund, as per the legislation on digital content.

Cancellation shall occur when you give a written notice of cancellation to Eton University via email you cancel this Agreement, the school will refund any money that you paid, apart from any non-refundable charges.Refunds are made within forty-five days after your Notice of Cancellation is received.


You have the right to withdraw from a course of instruction at any time. A notice of withdrawal must be made in writing to the email address of the University shown below under this WITHDRAWAL Notice.When a student officially withdraws from the course, any refund of tuition will be governed by the following policy under the section below entitled: DISTANCE LEARNING CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY.
Please be advised that a constructive withdrawal of a student may also be made by the University.Such a withdrawal will be determined to have occurred, if in the estimation of the school and instructor, and in the absence of an approved leave of absence or other short-term absence, the student fails to participate in course assignments or other instruction for a period of 30 days.
If a student wishes to withdraw from the institution or a course of instruction, the student must contact Eton University by sending an email to Refunds will be processed by Eton University when a student has resolved all financial obligations against their school debts, and their student account reflects a credit balance.Refunds are processed within 45 (forty-five) days after the student’s account reflects a credit balance.


Eton University provides distance-learning programs where the instruction is not offered in real time.It is therefore obligated under state law to transmit the first lesson and any materials to any student within seven days after the institution accepts the student for admission.The student shall have the right to cancel the agreement and receive a full refund before the first lesson and materials are received. Cancellation is effective on the date the written notice of cancellation is sent. If the institution sent the first lesson and materials before an effective cancellation notice was received, the institution shall make a refund within 45 days after the student’s return of the materials.

An institution shall transmit all of the lessons and other materials to the student if the student has 1) fully paid for the educational program, and, after having received the first lesson and initial materials, requests in writing that all of the material be sent; 2) If the institution transmits the balance of the material as the student requests, the institution shall remain obligated to provide the other educational services it agreed to provide, such as responses to student inquiries, student and faculty interaction, and evaluation and comment on lessons submitted by the student, but shall not be obligated to pay any refund after all of the lessons and material are transmitted.


The transferability of credits you earn at Eton University is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer.Acceptance of the degree you earn in the educational program is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer.If the degree that you earn at this institution is not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution.For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals.This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Eton University to determine if your degree credits are transferable.

This enrollment agreement is legally binding when signed by the student and accepted by the institution.